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The best in pest control service for northeast Oklahoma and the Grand Lake area. If it bites, stings or swarms, call us and we'll take care of it.
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Pest Control for Northeast Oklahoma and Grand Lake
Service area outline for Bates Pest Control, providing professional pest control services at an affordable price.
Pest control services, Bates Pest Control, Grand Lake Area Exterminating, Oklahoma pest control, Extermination, Nowata county, Craig county, Rogers county, Delaware county, Mayes county, bugs, ants, roaches, mosquitos, spiders, boat and dock spraying, marina pest control
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Pest Control for Northeast Oklahoma and Grand Lake

Map of Oklahoma which outlines Bates Pest Control's five county service range

Pest Control for Northeast Oklahoma and Grand Lake

Northeast Oklahoma is our area of operation for Bates Pest Control. We service the counties of Nowata, Rogers, Craig, Mayes and Delaware. They cover a wide area with some stark differences to the landscape, changes which sometimes affect the types of pests which are most likely to be a problem to people.

For example, towns around the Grand Lake area, such as Grove and Langley, have more need for spray services around docks and treatment options to mitigate mosquitoes than most other places in the region because of their close proximity to the lake. We can provide a pest management plan tailored to those in that area if they are needing effective treatment of mosquitoes and other marine based pests so they can relax in their own backyard without being swarmed.

The areas around Nowata and South Coffeyville differ sometimes from that of Grand Lake in their need for pest control services because of their landscape. They may suffer from mosquitoes, but problems there are usually easier to eliminate completely through a combination of spray treatments and removal of breeding sites, such as removing small standing pools of water around poorly drained gutters near houses, barns, etc.

More often, pests like scorpions and mice can be an issue for homes in this region. Homes built upon or near reclaimed coal pits are more likely to have problems with scorpions because rocky areas are perfect habitat for scorpions. Mice can be a bigger problem for homes in rural areas, because they generally look for cover inside man-made structures during the changing seasons when it becomes too cold for comfort outside.

There are some problems that can happen regardless of whether you live in Claremore, Pryor, or Jay. For example, no matter where it is located on the map, bag worms can decimate a pecan or walnut tree if given the opportunity. A sweetgum tree is still going to produce its tell-tale sticker-ball seeds in Adair the same as it would in Welch unless a growth inhibitor treatment is applied. Roaches are just as much a nuisance in Foyil as they are in Cleora and can be exterminated with an effective pest management treatment.

With these considerations in mind, Bates Pest Control can provide effective treatment options wherever you are located in northeast Oklahoma. With over thirty years of experience providing the region reliable pest control service and a proven track record of doing the job right by their customers, Bates Pest Control can help solve whatever pest problems are affecting you.

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