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The best in pest control service for northeast Oklahoma and the Grand Lake area. If it bites, stings or swarms, call us and we'll take care of it.
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Seasonal News
Seasonal news from Bates Pest Control. Helpful information to help people manage their pest problems and prevent infestation year-round.
Pest control services, Bates Pest Control, Grand Lake Area Exterminating, Oklahoma pest control, Extermination, Nowata county, Craig county, Rogers county, Delaware county, Mayes county, bugs, ants, roaches, mosquitos, spiders, boat and dock spraying, marina pest control
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Seasonal News

Single room country house with chimney and a backyard tree

Pre-Service Checklist

Treating your home and lawn for pests is an important decision you have to make and you want to make sure the job is done right the first time. Repeat service calls for perpetual pest issues can cause stress and may also result in additional

Adorable tiny puppy on a walking leash looking into the camera

Keeping Your Pets Safe

People love their pets, that is a demonstrable fact. We buy toys for them, have them in family photos and some folks even feel the inclination to give tiny little kisses on their pet’s nose as a show of affection. It is a given that

Map of Oklahoma which outlines Bates Pest Control's five county service range

Pest Control for Northeast Oklahoma and Grand Lake

Northeast Oklahoma is our area of operation for Bates Pest Control. We service the counties of Nowata, Rogers, Craig, Mayes and Delaware. They cover a wide area with some stark differences to the landscape, changes which sometimes affect the types of pests which are most

Flowering plant with pink petals growing through a crack in the sidewalk

Fall Tips for a Pest Free Home

As the days wind down heading into fall, most people look forward to the cooler temperatures for tailgating and relief from the summer heat. This is far from the case with insects. The falling temperature is a sign to find shelter from the cold, and